Wednesday, October 1, 2014

DIY Phone Cases

There are so many really cool cell phone cases out there...many of which are also really expensive. I have found that creating my own can be considerably cheaper.

I look for discounted cases in clearance bins (for really cheap!), and if I do not like the color, I repaint it. ( I always have spray paint left over from other projects.) I print my illustrations on label sheets, stick into place, and spray a clear coat of gloss as a sealer on the whole case. (Mod Podge works as well.) I like to use label sheets because I can also print photos on them to use.

Doing this to an old case you already have that is getting worn, or a case you are just sick of, is even better!

Eye Phone!

It is also fun to glue items to cases, even if they do not always want to stay on.

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